Guide For Detecting Drunk Drivers At Night

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Detecting Drunk Drivers in New Hampshire – Vehicle in Motion New Hampshire police officers and State Troopers are trained to look for potential drunk drivers on New Hampshire roadways. The following list of twenty-four (24) clues of impairment is taught to New Hampshire law enforcement officers at the, as indicators of DWI. Install flash player 9 downloads. These twenty-four (24) clues, which were developed as a result of research sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are specifically used by police officers to detect nighttime drunk driving.

Guide for Detecting Drunk Drivers at Night Visual Cues During a turn, the radius defined by the distance between the turning vehicle and the center of the turn is greater than normal Probability = 65% Probability = 65% The vehicle is moving straight ahead with the center or lane marker between the left-hand and right-hand wheels Probability = 60% This cue is actually one or more of a series of indicators related to the personal behavior or appearance of the driver. Examples of specific indicators might include: Eye fixation. Tightly gripping the steering wheel. Slouching in the seat. Gesturing erratically or obscenely. Face close to the windshield. Drinking in the vehicle.

Driver's ahead protruding from vehicle. Probability = 60% The observed vehicle almost strikes a stationary object or another moving vehicle.

Get this from a library! Guide for detecting drunk drivers at night. [United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.;]. California DUI Laws - Information on what an officer is looking for when detecting drunk drivers and night.

Examples include: Passing abnormally close to a sign, wall, building, or other object. Passing abnormally close to another moving and non-moving vehicle. Causing another vehicle to maneuver to avoid collision. Probability = 60% Weaving occurs when the vehicle alternately moves toward one side of the roadway and then the other, creating a zig-zag course. The pattern of lateral movement is relatively regular as one steering correction is closely followed by another. Probability = 55% The vehicle is observed being driven on other than the roadway designated for traffic movement. Examples include: Driving at the edge of the roadway, Driving on the shoulder, Driving off the roadway entirely, Driving straight through turn-only lanes or areas.

Probability = 55% A swerve is an abrupt turn away from a generally straight course. Swerving might occur direcly after a period of drifting when the driver discovers the approach of traffic in an oncoming lane or discovers that the vehicle is going off the road; swerving might also occur as an abrupt turn is executed to return the vehicle to the traffic lane. The illustration shows a swerve being executed to return to a lane after a period of drifting toward opposing traffic.

Probability = 50% The observed vehicle is being driven at a speed that is more than 10 miles per hour below the specified speed limit. Probability = 50% The critical element in this cue is that there is no observable justification for the vehicle to stop in the traffic lane; the stop is not caused by traffic conditions, traffic signals, an emergency situation, or related circumstances. Intoxicated drivers might stop in lane when their capability to interpret information and make decisions becomes severely impaired.

As a consequence, stopping (without cause) in the traffic lane is likely to occur at intersections or other decision points. Probability = 50% The vehicle is observed following another vehicle while not maintaining the legal minimum separation.

Probability = 50% Drifting is a straight-like movement of the vehicle at a slight angle to the roadway. As the driver approaches a marker or boundary (lane marker, center line, edge of the roadway), the direction of drift might change. As shown in the illustration, the vehicle drifts across the lane marker into another lane, then the driver makes a correction and the vehicle drifts back across the lane marker. Drifting might be observed within: a single lane, across lanes, across the center lane, onto the shoulder, from lane to lane.

Probability = 45% The left-hand set of tires of the observed vehicle is consistently on the the center line, or either set of tires is consistently on the lane marker. Probability = 45% The driver of the observed vehicle breaks unnecesarily, maintains pressure on the brake pedal ('riding the brakes'), or brakes in an uneven or jerky manner. Probability = 45% The vehicle is observed heading into opposing or crossing traffic under one or more of the following circumstances: driving in the opposing lane, backing into traffic, failing to yield the right-of-way, driving the wrong way on a one-way street, as shown in the picture. Probability = 40% A number of possibilities exist for the driver's signaling to be inconsistent with the associated driving action.

This cue occurs when inconsistencies such as the following are observed: failing to signal a turn or lane change, signaling opposite to the turn or lane change executed signaling constantly with no accompanying driving action, driving with four-way hazard flashes on. Probability = 40% The observed vehicle exhibits a longer than normal response to a change in traffic signal. For example, the driver remains stopped at the intersection for an abnormally long period of time after the traffic signal has turned green. Probability = 35% The observed vehicle stops at an inappropriate location or under inappropriate conditions, other than in the traffic lane. Examples include stopping: in a prohibited zone; at a crosswalk; far short of an intersection; on a walkway; across lanes; for a green traffic signal; or for a flashing yellow traffic signal.

Guide For Detecting Drunk Drivers At Night

Drunk Drivers Pictures

Probability = 35% The driver executes any turn that is abnormally abrupt or illegal. Specific examples include: turning with excessive speed; turning sharply from the wrong lane; making a U turn illegally; turning from outside a designated turn lane.

Probability = 35% This cue encompasses any acceleration that is significantly more rapid than that required by the traffic conditions. Rapid acceleration might be accompanied by an abrupt stop. Also a vehicle might alternately accelerate and decelerate rapidly. Probability = 30% The observed vehicle is being driven with both headlights off during a period of the night when the use of headlights is required. contact webmaster at with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2000 KAB' R US.