Installing Libavcodec Windows

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After some considerable amount of time while trying to build the ffmpeg static library with the x264 encoder on Windows, I have spent some more time for writing some example with it. Of course, there are tons of 'instructions' on how to build, how to use, bla bla. But, non of them works on Windows.

I guess the Linux guys are in better position here. Now, the zillion dollars question is 'What's the purpose of all that?' Not only that this is useless on Windows, but I could have bought some third party library that actually works.

If somebody is about to say 'But, it works!' I must say, give me a working proof. I don't care about 200x100 at 10fps.

See how to install (and get started with) FFmpeg on Windows in this detailed guide with a crapton of screenshots. FFMPEG is providing libavutil and libavcodec libraries. While compiling and installing ffmpeg as described at I. Windows x264 libavcodec. Share improve this question. Asked Dec 9 '11 at 23:27. Add a comment 2 Answers active oldest votes. Up vote 3 down vote accepted. Firstly don't try and build on windows - especially if you use VS - get it from here. Then the sequence is something like. How to Install FFmpeg on Windows. Understandably, most people are a little lost when it comes to using command-line programs like FFmpeg.But don’t worry, I was there not too long ago, and now I’ll try explain as thoroughly as I can how to install.

I don't need H264 for that. Show me how to compress a single second of 1080i footage. It's H264, it's crossplatform (sounds funny if you ask me), Google is using it (it has to be perfect, right?), some more hipe here. I did pretty much the same thing before posting here. However, I'm still missing the interlaced part. How does the x264 know that it's compressing interlaced frames?

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And, what I get after the avcodec_encode_video() is some warning about time stamp and return value is zero. According to ffmpeg, the function succeeded, but zero bytes means - nothing.

Btw, I need to build the static lib on my own, because every once in a while I find a bug. It is always Windows related ONLY. At least that's what I can tell from the source.

– Dec 10 '11 at 10:17 •.

I'm trying to install ffmpeg on my dedicated server running on ubuntu 10.04. I want to convert flv-videos to mp3 sound files. As I found out, I have to install libavcodec-extra-52. When I use sudo apt-get install libavcodec-extra-52 it says that I don't have libfaac0 (>= 1.26) and libmp3lame0 and that they aren't installable. Using sudo apt-get install libmp3lame0 it says that the package isn't available at any source.

Do I need some special repository to be able to download those codecs? Right at the moment, I have only three sources for packages in /etc/apt/sources.list which are predefined and hosted by my provider. Thanks in advance.