Puch Motorcycle Serial Numbers

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Penton Owners Group - Production Year Guide Production Year Guide The following is a guide to help identify the model and year of the Penton motorcycle. The Penton motorcycle development was an on-going venture. It was not uncommon for changes to be made in the middle of a model year.

Therefore, the following material may or may not totally be accurate to a given year. If you find information in the list that you feel needs addressing, please contact. Last update 11/07/05.

The Steel Tank Bike Era 1968 (Starting Serial No.

For example, a serial number of 30161040 would be January of 1973. Some bikes have an extra one or two digit production code number such as 7, 51 or 54 ahead of the year, month, and serial number. For example 1 would still indicate an October of 1974 date by disregarding the 54 production code number.


Wd backup vs wd smartware. Check the moped's frame under the seat for the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). You can identify the make of the moped by its VIN. VIN numbers on bikes made before 1981 can have any number of characters. In 1981, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ordered vehicle manufacturers to standardize VIN numbers, so from 1981 all VINs have 17 characters.

Navigate to the Mica Peak website (see Resources). Enter the VIN number into the search box to find out whether you have a Puch moped.

Check the cylinder head on your moped. The cylinder is about 10 inches underneath the fuel tank. If the cylinder head has the 'Puch' name on it, then the moped is an original Puch model. Download the Puch repair and owner's manual from the Moped Riders website. These manuals have photos of all Puch mopeds.

Puch Motorcycles 175cc

Compare your motorbike to find out whether you have an original Puch moped.