Rose Diagram Maker

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Specify a title for your chart, then insert your directional data within the table. In the first row specify the labels for the directional variable classes. For example, if your directional variable is wind speed, you could have the following five classes: 0 - 1 m/s, which means speeds between 0 m/s and 1 m/s, 1 - 2 m/s, 2 - 3 m/s, 3 - 4 m/s and > 4 m/s.

Then specify the number of events, or the percentage, within each combination of direction and class of the directional variable. For example, if a wind speed smaller than 1 m/s is observed 300 times from North, write 300 within the leftmost cell of direction North (indicated with N). The wind rose will be produced for a total of 16 directions, each one representing 22.5 degrees. The first direction is centred on North (i.e. 0 degree), and the last one on NNW (i.e.

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Rose(theta,x) uses the vector x to specify the number and the locations of bins. Length(x) is the number of bins and the values of x specify the center angle of each bin. For example, if x is a five-element vector, rose distributes the elements of theta in five bins centered at the specified x values. Blank Rose Diagram This is a Word file for the blank Rose diagram students will use to compile their results. File 50335 is a 50kB Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx).

337.5 degree). You can also indicate which class to plot, and if it must be filled or not. Do not forget to link this page if you like the tool or if you use the images produced with it. If you need advanced features, evaluate out software.

Wind rose created using only excel The process is fairly long and tricky, and the end result is not the professional Wind Rose that you would produce by simply purchasing WRE v1.7. However, in the name of providing a good service for our website viewers, we have include the procedure below. Wind Data You will need to source the appropriate wind speed data which related to a specific location and, ideally, height. The data will need to comprise of mean wind speeds and the associated wind speed direction for that mean wind speed. For example, you may have access to hourly mean wind speeds and direction taken for the last 2 years. Please note that wind direction needs to be converted from degrees to Cardinal Wind Directions i.e.

Parts Of A Rose Diagram

N, NNE, NE, ENE, E and so on. Click for more information. Ensure that “0” wind speeds have been taken into account In order to do this you should ensure that any mean wind speeds which have values of 0 have been asigned the wind direction “Calm” (or something equivalent). This is explained further in the Data Sorting Instructions. Insert a PivotTable Select your whole wind speed table and click the ‘Insert’ tab and then select ‘PivotTable’.

Create pivot table in new worksheet. Arrange the wind speed data into a summary table using the PivotTable Toolbar • Drag the Mean Wind Speed field into the ‘COLUMNS’ area of the ‘PivotTable Fields’ toolbar • Drag the wind direction field into the ‘ROWS’ area of the Pivot Table Fields toolbar • Drag the Mean Wind Speed field into the ‘∑ VALUES’ area of the Pivot Table Fields toolbar also. Ensure that the rows in the summary table are in the correct order In the Pivot Table, drag the new Row Labels into the correct order, I.e. Autumn leaves classical guitar sheet pdf. N, NNE, NE, ENE and so forth. Countif Function Use countif function to count the number of occasions the wind speed falls within each bin for each wind direction (see below) 7. Display the data as Relative Frequencies. Creating wind speed bins 9 Grouping the Column Labels (Wind Speed) into bins: • Select the column Labels in the pivot table • Select ‘ANALYZE’ or ‘OPTIONS’ in the ‘Pivot Table Tools Tab’, • Click ‘Group Selection’.

• Enter your range in the ‘Starting at:’ and ‘Ending at:’ fields, select your bin size in the ‘By’ field, and finally click ‘OK’. 10 Insert a ‘filled radar plot’ using the summary table Copy and paste the data out of the pivot table into a separate worksheet. You will need to convert each row into cumulative frequencies Select the data you want to turn into a wind rose (make sure that you do not select the “Calm” row) Once you have inserted the radar plot, you will need to re-order the series to make sure all areas are visible You should end up with something like similar to the following.

How To Read A Rose Diagram

Click below to download the latest version of the software. You can use WindRose freely, if you analyze data that do not exceed 1-month. To analyze larger sets of data (>1-month) you must purchase a license. Important notes 1. When opening WindRose.xls(m)file, Excel displays a security warning, asking whether or not to enable WindRose's macros. The software will run in both cases, but functionality is reduced with macros disabled.

If you want to avoid these warnings, check the following links, depending your Excel version:,,,. MS-Office 64bit users: WindRose runs OK in both 32bit & 64bit versions of Windows. However, it fails to install in the 64bit versions of MS-Office (because of Microsoft bug) and a workaround is currently investigated. Note also, that Microsoft the 32bit Office version for most users (even for the ) and this 32bit version is installed by default, on 64-bit Windows operating systems. Version History July 11, 2018 • Maintenance release available to all users with a valid license. • Wind data analysis: - ' Tables' sheet includes data distributions in WaSP TAB format ( at measurement and hub heights) for export to flow models. - Adopts the standard dir.

Sector order (starting with North). - Includes monthly, total and 12-month averaged wind speed distributions ( ' Tables' Sheet). - No need to save in a separate file, when changing the number of sectors. - Added spike detection also for wind direction data. - If the standard deviation of wind direction is measured, its per sector variation with wind speed is plotted ( 'TSCheck' Sheet). - Converts correctly the U,V components to horizontal wind speed & direction for ERA5, MERRA reanalysis data, as well as for Thies 3D Ultrasonic anemometer.

• Site Correlations: - Fixed the dropdown buttons displacement and resize. - Calculates the average, absolute and RMS errors of the prediction. • • • • May 11, 2016 • Wind data analysis: - Export ASCII data file includes wind shear, if 2+ anemometers are used. - Improved the quick LOG summary after a run. - Corrects a bug in the LOG file where 'TI' was displayed instead of 'Usdv'. - Added the expected WT production per month ( 'TempData' sheet). - Handles better the warnings/errors for 3 identical wind directions in successive time steps.

- Corrects a bug occurring when GenChecks are disabled and a DIRoffset is set. 19, 2014 • Minor update release: - Fixed code registration in 64bit Windows. - Fixed the English/Greek language toggle change in Excel 2010/2013. - Improved detection of wrong decimal separators in the 'Advanced Options' ( 'Input' sheet). 18, 2014 • Wind data analysis: - New ( 'Shear' sheet) during daytime and night, for the 2 best dir. - New detailed ( 'Shear' sheet). - Now only 4 columns (U, Dir., Time, Date) are the minimum required for the program to run (Usdv is now optional e.g.: reanalysis satellite data).

- Improved detection of wrong decimal separators in 'Input' sheet. - Corrected an error occuring when General Checks were disabled (Advanced Options), but some were indeed performed (Umax-Umin/σU). • Correlations: - New graphs ( 'WindCorr' sheet) showing comparisons of the and, for the Reference and Target sites. - Now, when correlating with averaging enabled (hours, days, etc), min.50% completeness is required (ie: three 10min data for 1h averaging). 12, 2013 • Wind data analysis: - Added a in the 'Input' sheet in order to exclude specific time-periods.

- Added a new 'Advanced Option' for turbulence intensities. - Modified the format of Start and Stop dates ( Input sheet) to accept hours, minutes, seconds for accurate data availability calculations. - Improved the after running the program. • Correlations: - Corrected the time-step of the predicted series when correlating time-series with different time-steps (ie: 10min and 1h). • Supports MS-Office 2013 •.

22, 2012 • Wind data analysis: Added several new 'Advanced Options': - possibility to distinguish an absolute calm from a 'frozen' anemometer when temperature is also recorded - possibility to reject data depending on the ratio (Umax-Umin)/Usdv for each anemometer - if σ DIR is measured, its polar variation is plotted and its per height variation is examined in order to detect errors, when several vanes are present. - if time-series contain turbulence intensities (instead of Usdv), then when assigning the Usdv column number ( Input Sheet) 'ti' should be added right after (i.e.: 12ti). • Correlations: - Several new graphs are created (i.e.: wind speed and direction raw data per each dir.

Sector, wind speed distributions and wind roses both for initial and overlapped periods). - Now, the uncertainty of the correlation/prediction is calculated based on the standard error of the regression (for each wind speed bin and dir.sector). • Several minor improvements and bug fixes (e.g.: imports correctly from old WindRose sheets, etc) • • Apr. 3, 2012 • A new Sheet TScheck is created automatically with several graphs providing information about the time-series quality.

• Easy location of periods with high/low correlations, thanks to a new plot displaying the daily correlation results ( WindCorr sheet). • Added characteristic and representative turbulence intensities calculation ( Tables sheet ). • Now, the 'Advanced Options' menu is part of the Input sheet (as a separate table). • Added the time percentage a WT needs to produce 50% (or other) of its total energy ( Results sheet). • Several minor improvements and bug fixes.