Tiggzi Mobile App Builder

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In the PDSOE I deleted the files under 'src', how do I get these back from the mobile app builder? Src is a directory under 'mobileprojectname'--MOBILE APPS-- 'mobileappname' There is another directory, 'bin' there, but it was already empty. I deleted the contents under 'src' to be sure that the PDSOE updated the files from the cloud builder, and wasn't using some old files, as I experienced already in the past.

HANA meets Tiggzi (aka how to create an app during your. Creating a mobile app which can be pushed to the. Apr 23, 2013  Exadel’s Tiggzi online mobile app development service for iOS, Android and Windows Phone launched almost exactly a year ago and today, the company is officially rebranding it as Appery.io. Tiggzi started an a cloud-based visual mobile app builder. You can build HTML5, jQuery Mobile apps connected to any REST APIs. You can also export the app as Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) and use its device API, to get an Android, iOS or Windows Phone app. Tiggzi app builder comes with a powerful REST API editor. Tiggzi mobile app platform: App Builder Visual UI builder running in the browser (think cloud IDE). HTML5, JS, CSS, jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap That app that you build in Tiggzi is an HTML5/jQuery Mobile app.

When I right-click on 'mobileappname', I have an option 'copy source local' but this doesn't copy anything into the PDSOE. This normally updated the files in 'src' in the past. Hi W Co, There are couple of ways in PDSOE which will bring you the updated files (latest saved) from Mobile (Cloud) App builder. 1) 'Copy Source Local' Operation available in Mobile App context menu options 2) When associtate the same application to REST Manager (OE Webserver) in the Server's view 3) Also, when you export the same application as 'Mobile Web Application' the sources are copied to local file system and a WAR file is generated in the given location.

However, observe that after manually deleting files under 'src' directory one need to perform some changes in the Mobile App Builder and save them to get the Tiggzi files again into PDSOE (Through either of above options). >>There is another directory, 'bin' there, but it was already empty. By default this folder will be empty in PDSOE. This is place holder for the mobile speicific artifacts ie.,.ipa (iOS) and.apk (Android) and.zip (Web application) which gets generated upon invoking 'Export Local' operation in the context menu option and are based on the Projectc Properties settings ( Project Properties -> Progress OpenEdge -> Mobile App Builder). Hope this helps.

Thanks and Regards, Anil Kumar. Hi W Co, When you remove src folder from Project Explorer view /MobileApps/ in PDSOE, you can not get the sources again until you do some changes to Mobile App in Mobile App Builder. In order to get src folder again into PDSOE just do small changes to mobile app so that mobile app go to dirty state (un saved) and then save the changes in Mobile App Builder.

Now come to PDSOE and perform any of the steps mentioned by Anil, so that you will get src folder with new sources again into your workspace. Regards, Sanjeev.

Thank you, but this doesn't help. I am changing things all the time in the mobile app builder and saving and testing in the mobile app builder. But the PDSOE doesn't get the files from the mobile app builder, directory 'src' remains empty. As a consequence, if i run the app from within the PDSOE, i get a 404 error.

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American pie 2 full movie Republishing/cleaning/restarting the appserver of restmgr doesn't change anything. Before i deleted the files in the 'src' folder, when i did 'copy source local', then i saw the PDSOE making connection to the mobile app builder and downloading the files. Now i see de PDSOE making connection, but it just stops without downloading anything.

WAC (the Wholesale Applications Community) offers a single cross-operator payment API. It covers 9 operators today and soon it will extend to all 58 member operators. Mobile carrier-enabled in-app billing promises better conversion for app developers since the extra step of entering usernames and passwords is completely eliminated.

Do you want to see how to use in-app carrier billing in developing a mobile app? Come join us as Exadel and WAC, in conjunction with Deutsche Telekom's Developer Garden, present a hands-on interactive webinar in which we will demonstrate how to quickly build an app with Tiggzi Mobile App Builder and WAC's in-app billing API. We'll show everything from the WAC sign-up process to the creation and testing of a complete functioning app. Tiggzi by Exadel - Exadel- WAC - www.wacapps.net Deutsche Telekom's Developer Garden - www.developergarden.com.